Volunteer Opportunities

In order for the Twelve Bridges Jr. Rhinos Football and Cheer program to operate successfully each year, it is necessary that each family participates in the many jobs and duties required during the season to run a successful program. Each family is required to work a minimum of 10 hours per athlete participating in the program (max hours are 20 hours for multiple children in the program). Sign-ups for various volunteer opportunities will be sent out prior to the start of the season for which you will be able to, on a first-come-first served basis, sign up for various time slots in which you can help. 

  • Parent/guardian is required to submit a check in the amount of $500 for TBJR to hold until ALL 10 hours are completed (max hours are 20 hours for multiple children in the program). If all the hours are completed, the check will not be cashed.
  • Parent/guardian is required to submit a check in the amount of $500 for TBJR to hold until ALL 10 hours are completed (max hours are 20 hours for multiple children in the program). If all the hours are completed, the check will not be cashed.
  • Volunteer opt out fee is $350 and is due by July 13, 2024.
  •  All volunteer hours must be signed up for by the third game. If all required hours are not signed up for by the third game, volunteer hour hold checks will be cashed immediately.
  • Parents/guardians who volunteer for a game day shift must arrive 15 minutes prior to the start of the shift and work the complete shift (late arrivals will be considered a forfeit of time and charged with a “no show”, (NO EXCEPTIONS).
  • When you arrive for your shift, sign in with the Parent Volunteer Coordinator (games CANNOT start if volunteers are not in position for PAR, chain gang, and spotter and can result in a forfeit for TBJR). 
  • If you are not able to volunteer for the shift you are signed up for, please be sure to cancel the shift a minimum of 72 hours prior to the scheduled shift. This will allow for the Parent Volunteer Coordinator to fill the shift and you will avoid being charged with a “no show”. If you do not notify the Parent Volunteer Coordinator a minimum of 72 hours prior to the shift, you will be charged with a “no show”. On the second “no show”, your check will be cashed and you will not be allowed to sign up for shifts. This will be monitored and if you sign up for a shift it will be removed immediately. 
  • If you are not able to make your shift with less than 72 hours notice, it is your responsibility to find your replacement. It is your responsibility to inform your replacement of the details of your shift (i.e. check in, check out, arrival time, etc.). If your replacement does not show, you will be charged with a “no show”. 
  • It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to make sure you are showing up for the correct date and time YOU signed up for. 
  • Parents/guardians are responsible to check in and check out with the Parent Volunteer Coordinator for each shift. 
  • Parents/guardians volunteering are required to pay admission into games. 
  • You must be 18 years old or older to volunteer. 

List of Volunteer Duties:

 SPOTTER – 2 hour time block Home games only. Responsible for assisting the announcer with identifying the jersey numbers of the athletes that carried /caught the ball and the athletes that made and assisted with the tackle. 

SPIRIT WEAR BOOTH – 2 hour time block Home games only. Responsible for selling Twelve Bridges Jr. Rhinos merchandise at the spirit wear booth. 

​FRONT GATE – 2 hour time block Home games only. Responsible for collecting entrance fees and monitoring for outside food, drinks, and pets. 

 SET UP CREW – 2 hour time block Home games only. Responsible for setting up items on the field, setting up canopies, tables, spirit wear booth items, and assisting with snack bar set-up. The volunteer coordinator will notify you of the start time. 

CLEAN-UP/TAKE DOWN CREW – 2 hour time block Home games only. Responsible for removing items from the field, taking down canopies, tables, spirit wear booth items, and assisting with snack bar breakdown and clean-up of stadium. 

SNACK BAR – 2 hour time block Home games only. Responsible for working in the snack bar before, during, and after games. There are NO children allowed in the snack bar area while the parent/guardian is working. Number of people needed varies throughout the day. 

​ BBQ – 2 hour time block Home games only. Responsible for cooking at the snack bar during games. There are NO children allowed in the snack bar/BBQ area while the parent/guardian is working. 

FIELD WATER – 2 hour time block Home games only. Responsible for maintaining the water jugs on both the home and away side of the field. Water should be checked before, during, and after each game. 

TRASH PICK UP – 2 hour time block Home games only. Responsible for making sure that trash cans are empty and trash is picked up on both the home and away side of the field throughout the shift. 

PAR – 2 hour time block Home and away games. Responsible for verifying that all players play at least the minimum number of plays per game as specified by SAC guidelines.  IF WE DO NOT HAVE PAR VOLUNTEERS FOR ALL OF OUR GAMES, AWAY AND HOME, THEN WE FORFEIT THE GAME. ​

CHAIN GANG – 2 hour time block Away games only. Responsible for helping move the markers down the field for each play.  IF WE DO NOT HAVE CHAIN GANG VOLUNTEERS FOR ALL OF OUR AWAY GAMES, THEN WE FORFEIT THE GAME. ​

There are other volunteer opportunities that will be available prior to the game shifts. Email notifications will go out when these additional volunteer opportunities are available. All volunteer positions can be changed without notice depending on the needs of TBJR.